Symmetry Media: A Dynamic and Immersive Website Design

Positioning a Production Company as Creative Professionals

The Symmetry Media website, designed by Cord & Berg, captures the essence of a dynamic and creative production company. Through a combination of immersive animations and seamless usability, the website effectively communicates the brand's philosophy and establishes its position as a leader in the industry.

The inspiration behind the design of the Symmetry Media website stems from the concept of symmetry. Cord & Berg aimed to create a balance between premium sophistication and creativity by pairing eye-catching headlines, vibrant colors, and emotive animations with clean lines, neutral backgrounds, and advanced functionality. This unique approach sets the website apart from others in the industry.

One of the main goals of the website is to appeal to creative agency partners. To achieve this, Cord & Berg focused on communicating the brand's philosophy through a series of interactive animations on the homepage. These animations allow users to become immersed and inspired by the brand's ethos, creating a memorable and engaging experience.

In addition to the visually captivating design, the Symmetry Media website also prioritizes intuitive functionality and a seamless user experience. The website is built on a Wordpress platform, ensuring responsiveness and compatibility across all browsers and devices. Cord & Berg took into account the client's target audience and incorporated advanced javascript to enhance the browsing experience.

Notable features of the website include automatically pausing videos when another is played, transitioning the main showreel into the fixed navigation as users scroll down, and allowing users to scroll or click through the homepage animations at their own pace. These features contribute to the overall user-friendly nature of the website, positioning the brand as switched on professionals.

The Symmetry Media website was developed in Sydney from August 2016 to September 2016. Before beginning the design process, Cord & Berg conducted thorough research, including a brand session with the client to understand their audience perception, tone of voice, business goals, and points of difference. This research informed the design decisions and ensured the website would appeal to the target agencies.

One of the challenges faced during the development of the website was incorporating a corporate showcase without deterring new creative clients. Cord & Berg overcame this obstacle by adding a secret button to the fixed navigation on the creative work page, allowing users to access the corporate showcase if desired. The transition between pages cleverly switches the background color from light to dark, creating a seamless experience.

The Symmetry Media website has been recognized for its outstanding design and creativity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Website and Web Design category in 2017. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate resourcefulness, technical expertise, and contribute to quality of life improvements. Cord & Berg's design showcases their strong technical and creative skills, making the world a better place through innovative design.

Overall, the Symmetry Media website stands out in the industry for its unique and immersive design, intuitive functionality, and seamless user experience. Cord & Berg's attention to detail and commitment to capturing the brand's philosophy have successfully positioned the company as a dynamic and creative production company, appealing to both creative clients and industry professionals.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Cord & Berg
Image Credits: Cord & Berg
Project Team Members: Jeff Ginsburg Samantha Cordingley
Project Name: Symmetry Media
Project Client: Cord & Berg

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